
Pressure exceeding standard values was detected in 11 axles, but JR Central confirmed no tampering or other irregularities.

On September 14, JR Central announced that during the axle installation process for train wheels, 11 axles on conventional lines had been subjected to pressures exceeding the company's internal standards. However, the company assured that safety was not compromised. A thorough investigation following the recent data falsification issues at JR Freight revealed no signs of data tampering at JR Central, and all axles on Shinkansen trains remained within the designated pressure limits.


JR Central conducted a comprehensive internal inspection of about 8,000 Shinkansen axles and approximately 3,880 conventional line axles. The data was automatically recorded by machines, ensuring transparency, with no irregularities found. Despite the higher pressure readings for 11 conventional line axles, JR Central confirmed that safety was maintained by managing the differences in diameters between the wheels and axles.

The company initiated this internal review after JR Freight's axle issues came to light.
